1. Ovčarski dani – Sekule
The last weekend in March, Sakule “HONEY DAYS”, Ovcar Association and Opovo Municipality, tel / fax: 013 685 065, 013 681 030

2. International Art Colony, Opovo Municipality and Jovan Popovic Gallery – Opovo
During the second week of May, Opovo – Gallery “Jovan Popovic”, tel: 013 681 030, 013 681 028

3. Opovo Municipality Day
May 22 Opovo, tel: 013 681 030, 013 682 173, fax: 013 681 202

4. Fishing days – Opovo
May 22 Opovo, Opovo River Tamiš and Lake “Carp” in Baranda, Opovo Municipality and USR “Linjak”, tel: 013 681 030, 063 255 375

5. An exhibition of painters of the Opovo in honor of St. Nicholas’ Father – Opovo
May 22 Opovo, Jovan Popović Gallery, Dositej Obradović Elementary School, Ethnological Exhibition, Jovan Popović Gallery, Opovo Municipality, tel: 013 681 028, Women’s Association “Do not Forget” Opovo

6. Fijakerijada – Opovo
May 22 Opovo, Fijakerijada, Opovo Municipality, MZ Opovo, tel: 013 681 030

7. Gulashijada – Baranda
May 22 Baranda, Hunting Association “Šnip” Baranda

8. Village olympics – Sefkerin
First day of the church holiday Spirits, Sport and recreation club “SOKO” Sefkerin

9. Exhibition of Aquarists of Serbia
November 23, 2011. Opovo, Jovan Popović Gallery, Jovan Popović Gallery Opovo Municipality, tel: 013 681 028