Next up from Sefkerin, you encounter Opovo, which you can enter, through the existing roadside. It is interesting that these two, as well as the previous settlements, are on the left bank of Tamiš, so that the path / embankment you are moving from Pančevo passes through completely uninhabited areas covered with dense forests, so that the journey or walking very soon after leaving Pančevo turn into law ecological adventure.
From this path you can, by entering Opovo and Čent, as well as before in Pančevo and visiting cultural and historical monuments of these places, and in each of them walk or ride bicycles with streets or embankments (much shorter) made from this inhabited left bank of Tamiš. It is also important to note that from the Čente which is the end point of this route, once a light walk (by driving) over 5.5 km can, through bridges that are built over Tamiš and its sleeves, reach Barande and thus connect with the next zone.
Opovo – Centa – Barandadejan2019-02-06T13:29:49+00:00